In today’s day-and-age of closed office spaces and climate change, it’s important to get as much Vitamin D as possibleAccording to Health Magazine, Vitamin D is essential for bone health. Recent research also suggests that getting enough Vitamin D helps protect against colds and fighting depression. If you are cooped up in your Pittsburgh home or office, you most likely don’t absorb enough vitamin D. Here are 12 ways to ensure adequate intake, as suggested by Health Magazine.
Being Under the Sun
spurs the body to make vitamin D. According to Stephen Honig, MD, director of Osteoporosis Center at the Hospital for Joint Diseases, in NYC, “If you’re going to get [Vitamin D] from the sun, about 20-25 minutes of exposure is helpful.” The sun is less likely to provide your daily needs at high latitudes, in the winter, or if you’re older or dark skinned.
Click here for more ways to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.